write essay on "we should save our energy to do important work " in eight lines
European Studies
Importance and Benefits of Energy Conservation
2389 words (10 pages) Essay in European Studies
15/12/17 European Studies Reference this
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Energy is defined as the capacity of a physical system to perform work. In other words, It can be explained as the ability to perform or complete any type of work whether it is physical or mental activity.
We can also explain “energy” which includes physical movements like shifting something from one place to another, warming something or lighting something. Energy exists in numerous forms such as heat, kinetic or mechanical energy, light, potential energy, electrical or many other forms.
It can be better described by giving the below mentioned natural example of environment, it shows a chain cycle of converting different forms of energy into heat and power:
Oil burns to make heat
Heat boils water
Water turns to steam
Steam pressure turns a turbine
Turbine turns an electric generator
Generator produces electricity
Electricity powers light bulbs
Light bulbs give off light and heat
We utilize energy in different forms in our daily routine life and cannot think even about to survive without it. We use energy to light our homes and for street lighting as well, to be able to power machineries and equipments in factories, helps to cook our food, for playing music and operating televisions and many more every day regular uses.
Energy Conservation:
It is the practice of reducing the quantity of energy used. It may be attained through efficient energy use; in this case, energy use is decreased at the same time getting a same outcome as a result, or by reduced consumption of energy services. It is one of the easiest processes to help the globe by means of pollution in addition to make use of natural energy.
It may result in increase of financial capital, better environmental results, national security, personal security and human comfort. Individuals and companies are called as direct consumers of energy may need to conserve energy so as to reduce energy expenses and promote economic security. Industrial and business class users may want to increase the efficiency and as a result, it maximizes their benefits as well.
Energy conservation is the reduction or removal of unnecessary or unwanted energy use
Energy conservation is the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by using less of an energy service. This can be achieved either by using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a constant service) or by reducing the amount of service used (for example, by driving less). Energy conservation is a part of the concept of Eco-sufficiency
1. Make sure your air conditioning and heating units are ENERGY STAR models.
2. Set a non-ENERGY STAR air conditioning unit to “Quiet Guard” or “Power Save” mode.
3. Get a programmable thermostat that will automatically turn your AC and heater on or off to save on energy.
4. Always keep windows and doors tightly shut when running the AC or heater.
5. If you have central AC, close the air vents in unused rooms to avoid cooling or heating unused spaces.
6. Turn off kitchen or bath exhaust fans as soon as possible.
7. Use ceiling fans to cool a room instead of turning on the AC.: