English, asked by anjanajadav, 10 months ago

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Answered by Anonymous

Women now compete and cooperate with men in almost all walks of life and they have proved their mettle, too. However, men and women are not built alike. They may have the same intellectual capabilities, but physically and emotionally men and women are different and that probably explains why certain jobs are considered suitable for men and certain other jobs suitable for women.Until a few decades ago many people used to believe that women are not suitable for a career in science or finance. Such wrong notions no longer exist because many women have proved that they make equally brilliant engineers and number crunchers. Still, certain sectors prefer men over women. There are also some sectors where women outperform men.Of course, several women have proved that they are capable of doing just about anything that men can. Take for instance, the case of Madam Curie, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Physics. She proved her mettle at a time when science and technology were largely dominated by men. Women have also conquered the seas, the mountains and the skies. The fact that they lacked muscle power didn’t deter them from pursuing their goals. Still, these are exceptions rather than the rules.

In conclusion, certain jobs are more suitable for men. There are also certain jobs where women perform better than men. Personally I believe that a person’s physical and intellectual capabilities, rather than gender, should determine his or her career choice. If a woman possesses sufficient physical strength and is determined enough to pursue a career in a male dominated sector, her gender should not come in the way of her goal. 

anjanajadav: WC
anjanajadav: seen
Answered by Anonymous


Nature has blessed both men and women with individual characters, which set them apart. All these different characteristics enable them to do different tasks according to their affinities. Due to this, some people opine that it would be best for both sexes to involve themselves in those tasks which suit their personality and skill sets. Others, however, think that both are equal and can do each other’s job as efficiently as they can do their own. Therefore, let us analyze the task from both perspectives in order to reach to a relevant conclusion.

To begin with, it can be said that both males and females have an individual set of characteristics, which enables them to perform well in certain tasks. For example, women are considered exceptionally good at taking care of the household activities and bringing up the children. As most of the women are kind, loving and caring by nature, they are best suited for this job. What is more, they are also seen as worthy of the job of taking care of household activities due to their creativity and organizational skills. Similarly, men also have some special traits attached with their personality. For instance, men are deemed to be strong, confident and decisive. These qualities make it possible for them to give excellent performance in areas such as earning bread and butter for the home and making decisions for the family. Apart from that, they can also support their families in emotional as well as security matters.

However, even though both genders are best suited for the jobs mentioned above, we cannot ignore the changing trends, which are taking place in modern world. Nowadays, with the spread of education and equal rights, more and more women are breaking the barriers of their home in order to work outside. They can be seen placed at several important positions, from doctors to politicians and they are also performing better than the expectations of most of the people. In the same way, men are also indulging themselves in household tasks by looking after their children and doing household chores. Therefore, it cannot be said that both of the genders are best suitable to do only one type of work.

Women are performing well in professions like teaching, nursing, marketing and those kinds of jobs suits their natural talents and skills. On the other hand, men can work in a crowd and in places where physical labor is required.

In the ultimate analysis, it can be said that both men and women have been separated with individual qualities facilitating them with abilities to do several tasks. But, by looking at the current norms, it will be wrong to think that they cannot do each other’s job

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