English, asked by gokhaleprasham, 3 months ago

Write expansion on knowledge is power (write atleast of 3 pra)


Answered by XxEVILxspiritxX


Knowledge is something that you can’t subtract, and you can only add to the knowledge you already possess. Reading and learning is a way to increase your knowledge. There are so many activities that you do every day with the knowledge that you possess. Without the knowledge we possess wouldn’t be able to do the same things we do daily.

You help the people around you and increase your knowledge as well as the other person’s knowledge. Not all the people who are educated know because education is not something that guarantees knowledge. However, all the knowledgeable people are educated. There are millions of educated people, but they lack the knowledge of the subject they have studied.

Knowledge is something that keeps helps you understand the difference between right and wrong. It helps us to overcome the mistakes that we do. A person that possesses knowledge he is richer than a person who has no money and less knowledge.

This powerful tool helps the nation too. With the knowledge that people have, they help in the development and growth of a country. The development of a nation doesn’t depend on arms. It depends on the knowledge that people or citizens of the country.

Answered by s1723purnima11189


Knowledge is a tool that humans possess. It’s something that makes us different from the living inhabitants of the world. The power that knowledge is incomparable with other things that are in the world.

You should use the knowledge that you have to help the people around you. When you don’t put your knowledge to good use, you will be wasting the knowledge that you possess. If you know, you should put it to good use and increase their knowledge.


isn’t something you acquire overnight, and you have to keep reading and learning new things to increase your knowledge. It’s one of the most things that will keep the increase as you grow up.

Knowledge is something that you can always depend on for your whole life. It’s one of the most important and powerful things in the world. You can reach high places for your career with the help of knowledge.

nowledge is a tool with which you can achieve everything that you want. You can increase your knowledge by reading and learning new things. Your knowledge keeps increasing throughout your life.

Knowledge helps you drive a car, ride a bike, solve a puzzle, and do many more things. With the help of knowledge, you can make a mistake twice. You can’t buy knowledge from anywhere, but you can earn it through your life.

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