CBSE BOARD XII, asked by RahulSingh2001, 1 year ago

Write Fayol's Principal?


Answered by SakshamMahajan007
Henri Fayol was able to synthesize 8 principles of management after years of study, namely:

Division of Work
Authority and Responsibility
Unity of Command
Unity of Direction
Subordination of Individual Interest
The Degree of Centralization.

1. Division of Work

In practice, employees are specialized in different areas and they have different skills. Different levels of expertise can be distinguished within the knowledge areas (from generalist to specialist). Personal and professional developments support this. According to Henri Fayol specialization promotes efficiency of the workforce and increases productivity. In addition, the specialization of the workforce increases their accuracy and speed

2. Authority and Responsibility

In order to get things done in an organization, management has the authority to give orders to the employees. Of course with this authority comes responsibility. According to Henri Fayol, the accompanying power or authority gives the management the right to give orders to the subordinates. The responsibility can be traced back from performance and it is therefore necessary to make agreements about this.

3. Discipline
This third principle of the 8 principles of management is about obedience. It is often a part of the core values of a mission and vision in the form of good conduct and respectful interactions. This management principle is essential and is seen as the oil to make the engine of an organization run smoothly.

4. Unity of Command

The management principle ‘Unity of command’ means that an individual employee should receive orders from one manager and that the employee is answerable to that manager. If tasks and related responsibilities are given to the employee by more than one manager, this may lead to confusion which may lead to possible conflicts for employees

. Unity of Direction

This management principle of the 8 principles of management is all about focus and unity. All employees deliver the same activities that can be linked to the same objectives. All activities must be carried out by one group that forms a team.

6. Subordination of Individual Interest

There are always all kinds of interests in an organization. In order to have an organization function well, Henri Fayolindicated that personal interests are subordinate to the interests of the organization (ethics). The primary focus is on the organizational objectives and not on those of the individual

7. Remuneration

Motivation and productivity are close to one another as far as the smooth running of an organization is concerned. This management principle of the 8 principles of management argues that the remuneration should be sufficient to keep employees motivated and productive. There are two types of remuneration namely non-monetary (a compliment, more responsibilities, credits) and monetary (compensation, bonus or other financial compensation). Ultimately, it is about rewarding the efforts that have been made.

8. The Degree of Centralization

Management and authority for decision-making process must be properly balanced in an organization. This depends on the volume and size of an organization including its hierarchy.

Centralization implies the concentration of decision making authority at the top management (executive board). 


RahulSingh2001: I need explanation too
Anonymous: Well nice answer
SakshamMahajan007: please mark as the BRAINLIEST ANSWER
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Answered by Anonymous
Henry Fayol (1841 - 1925) was a French industrialist as well as engineer. Fayol gave fourteen principles of management which are given below :-

1. Division of Work :- Division of work means division of the total task into compact jobs and allocating these compact jobs to different persons so that an employee can concentrate on only one type of work. It helps to improve efficiency by avoiding wastage of time and effort caused by change from one type of work to another.

2. Authority and responsibility :- Authority is the right to get work done from others and responsibility is the obligation to person the assigned task. Anyone who exercises authority must accept responsibility for his work. Similarly, one who is held responsible should be given the necessary authority. Authority and responsibility are coexistent and they must go hand in hand. Authority without responsibility leads to irresponsible behaviour while responsibility without authority will make a person ineffective. Therefore, there should be parity between authority and responsibility.

3. Discipline :- Discipline implies obedience, respect of authority and observance of the established rules and regulations. Discipline is essential for the smooth running of every organisation. According to Fayol, good supervision at all levels, clear and fair rules and built-in system of penalties will help to maintain discipline.

4. Unity of command :- According to this principle an employee should receive orders from one superior only and be accountable to him. No person can serve several masters at the same time.

5. Unity of direction :- There should be one head and one plan for a group of activities having the same objective. In other words, each group of activities with the same objective must have one plan of action and must be under the control of one superior.

6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest :- An organisation is bigger than an individual. Therefore, the interests or goals of the organisation must prevail upon the personal interests of individuals.

7. Remuneration :- The remuneration payable to workers must be fair, reasonable and satisfactory both to the employees and the employer. It must reward effort so as to motivate higher productivity. The amount of remuneration and the method of wage payment should both be fair and rewarding.

8. Centralisation :- According to Fayol, everything that increases the importance of subordinates' role is decentralisation is a matter of proportion and the right proportion between them should be decided keeping in view the circumstances of the particular case.

9. Scaler chain :- It refers to the chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest rank. Normally, the prescribed chain of command should be followed and communication should flow through the established chain of command. In given figure, the scaler chain is represented by the double ladder HAO. Any communication from F to M will flow upwards A through E, D, C and B and then downwards through I, J, K and L. A gang plank respected by the dotted line between F and M may be created to avoid delays and difficulties in communication.

10. Order :- There must be material and social order in an enterprise. Material order implies a proper place for everything and everything in its right place.

11. Equity :- Management should treat the employees with justice and kindness. There should be equity of treatment in dealing with subordinates and no discrimination should be made between then.

12. Stability of tenure :- It takes time to learn and get used to a job. Therefore, a reasonable security of service should be provided to all employees. Stability of tenure helps to develop loyalty and attachment on the part of employees.

13. Initiative :- Employees at all levels should be encouraged to think out and execute the assigned task in a better way. Initiative is a source of strength for an organisation.

14. Esprit De Corps :- There must be team spirit and cooperation among the members of an organisation. 'Unity of strength' and the strength of an enterprise lies in the cooperation and harmony in individual efforts.

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