Write features of Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba gingivalis, Entamoeba coli, Pelomyxa and Actinophrys.
Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. Despite the complexity of the science, certain unifying concepts consolidate it into a single, coherent field.
Entamoeba histolytica:- It is dimorphic. It is responsible for cause of amoebic descentry. It actually goes in our body via water and food. It is the monogenetic parasite.
Entamoeba gingivalis:- It is the causative agent of Trichomonas. In pyorrhoea it is the infection which increases and makes it more critical.
Entamoeba coli:- It is seen in colon. It works as a commensal in them.
Pelomyxa:- It is known as Chaos-Chaos. It is the multinucleated amoeba. Also it is the largest amoeba.
Actinophrys:- It is the sun animalcule animal. Axial filaments is present in the psedopodia which is called as axopodia.