Write five differences between red muscle and white muscles.
Red Muscles-
•In it mycoglobin content is high that's why the colour is red.
•Sarcolplasmic reticulum is less extensive.
•Blood vessels are more extensive in it.
•Mitochondria are more in number.
•Contraction is less powerful in it.
•This muscle is involved in prolonged and continued activity as it undergoes sustained contraction.
•It becomes fatigue slowly.
White Muscles-
•Mycoglobin contents is less that's why the colour of it is pale.
•Sarcoplasmic reticulum is more extensivein in it.
•Blood vessels are less extensive.
•Mitochondria are less in number.
•This muscle depends on anaerobic process for its energy.
•Responce is rapid with short latent period in it.
•It becomes fatigue very quickly.
Red muscles:Type(I) fibres
They are red
Also called slow twitch or slow oxidative
Contain large amount of myoglobin, many mitochondria and many blood cappilaries
They split ATP at a slow rate
They have slow contraction velocity
Found in large number in the postural muscles of the neck
White muscle: Type (II) B fibres
They are white
Also called glycolytic fibres
Contain low content of myoglobin, few mitochondria, few blood capillaries and large amount of glycogen
Generate ATP be anaerobic metabolic processes
Split ATP at a fast rate
Have fast contraction velocity
Hope it helps
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