English, asked by neetutomer1112, 1 year ago

Write five difficult word their meaning and make sentences of these five words:


Answered by Anonymous


meaning-abandon forever

sentence-He will abjure his allegiance to the king.


meaning-disposition to believe on slight evidence

sentence-The rascal lives on the credulity of the people.


meaning-tending to depart from main point or cover a wide range of subjects

sentence-As the lecturer wandered from topic to topic, we wondered what if any point there was to his discursive remarks.



sentence-Paradoxically, fallacious reasoning does not always yield erroneous results: even though your logic may be faulty, the answer you get may nevertheless be correct.


meaning-not capable of being swayed; unyielding; implacable

sentence-The judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law.

thank you

Answered by ItzAaryan

1 . Word = Inchoate

Meaning = Only partly in existence

Sentence = Inchoate things are often just beginning .

2 . Word = Cachet

Meaning = An indication of approved

sentence = Cachet is more about prestige .

3 . Word = Panache

Meaning = distinctive

Sentence = Panache is a more about style .

4 . Word = Indefetigable

Meaning = unflagging vatility

sentence = Indefetigable is a word you almost have to say quickly .

5 . Word = Uncanny

Meaning = Normal

Sentence = Uncanny meant mischievous .

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