write five forms of greetings in Kiswahili
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gjkkkkk job and I'm not going to all of your website is not available for a few minutes late reply but not sure if you have any questions or needs to be a good time to get a chance to look at the end of the world and the best regards David David and
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1.) ♦ “Hello”: “Hujambo”, sometimes shortened to “jambo”. You can also use “habari” which has a rough meaning of news (i.e. ...
2.) ♦ “How are you?”: Ask “habari gani?”. But if your friend gets in first with “habari gani?” ...
3.)♦ “Please”: “Tafadhali”
4.)♦ “Thank you (very much)”: “Ahsante (sana)”
5.) ♦ “Goodbye”: “Kwaheri”
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