write five question sentences about your home.
how is everybody in ur home
when do u reach home after school
where is ur home
what are the interesting games in ur home
1.Who is there with you?
2.Where is pen ?
3.when is your birthday?
4.How to make dosa?
5.what is this?
In contrast to sentences that make a statement, issue a command, or express an exclamation, an interrogative sentence asks a question. Interrogative sentences are distinguished by the inversion of the subject and predicate, which means that the first verb in a verb phrase comes before the subject. An interrogative sentence, importantly, ends with a question mark.
The words of a declarative sentence are reordered to form an interrogative sentence: Question: Did Nina get enough sleep?
Nina had a restful night's sleep.
In the interrogative, the verb 'did' was inserted, and'slept' became sleep. As a result, the interrogative has two verbs. The additional verb 'did' is a helping verb (also known as an auxiliary); it is used in conjunction with the main verb'sleep.' The helping verb and main verb combine to form a full verb."
"How did it get so late, so quickly?"
"Do my kids make people uncomfortable, or are they cute?"