Write four difference between plant cell and animal cell !
1. Plant cells have cell walls in addition to the cell membrane while animal cell do not have cell wall.
2. Plant cells have one or two large vacuole whereas animal cells have relatively small vacuoles.
3. Plant cells have chloroplasts which contains chlorophyll whereas in animal cells, chloroplasts are absent.
4. Cilia is present in most animal cells, whereas it is absent in plant cells.
Explanation: Plant Cell Animal Cell
They are mostly larger in size They are smaller in size
Cell wall is present Cell wall is absent
Only one large central vacuole is present More than one smaller vacuoles are present.
Centrioles and centrosomes are absent Centrioles and centrosomes are present
Plastids are usually present Plastids are absent
Golgi bodies are not well – formed in plant cells. Golgi bodies are well formed