Social Sciences, asked by mguptaknkin, 10 months ago

Write fullform of pH and Importance of pbt in daily life
Give reason why does tooth decay start when pH of mouth
s lower than 5.5​


Answered by muthumarip1981


pH means the potential of hydrogen.....

Importance of Ph

Existence of living beings

Organisms require a specific pH for their ideal growth and development. In the human body, all the physiological reactions take place in the pH of 7-7.8. The existence of aquatic plants, animals and microbes is at risk when acid rains mix with natural water bodies.

2. Digestion of food

The pH is important at different levels in the digestive system of the human body for the proper digestion of food. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid is secreted as food enters the stomach. It turns the pH of the stomach between 1 and 3. This pH is important for the activation of the enzyme pepsin, which helps in the digestion of protein in food.

3. Importance in soil

The pH of soil is a critical factor in the growth of crops and other plants. pH 6.5 to 7.3 is ideal for the growth of shrubs and crops. If the pH of soil is less than 6.5, lime is added to it to neutralise its acidity. Similarly, if the pH of soil is more than 7.3, gypsum is added to neutralise its basicity.

4. Stopping tooth decay

Teeth decay when the pH of the mouth falls below 5.5. Bacteria present in food and the mouth breakdown food particles left in the mouth and form acids. This results in lowering the pH of the mouth. Tooth powder and tooth paste which are used for cleaning of teeth are basic in nature. They neutralise the acid produced in the mouth and protect the teeth from decay.

5. Remedy for acidic effect of honeybee bite

When a honeybee bites, it inserts an acidic substance Melittin in our body. To get relief from it, an aqueous solution of a basic substance such as baking soda is applied around the place of bite. It helps to neutralise the acidic poison.

Answer for your third question about tooth decay is in the above 4th paragraph.........

I hope this answer helps u

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