fully the economic importance of red algae
Red Algae has had many adaptations overtime that allow it to be successful in its environment. It has many advantages that help it to survive deep in the water.
This red color also helps the plant survive under the water because it is able to best absorb sunlight allowing it to do the process of photosynthesis.
The algae which is red in colour due to the presence of R-phycoerythric. They are mainly attached to the rocky stones. They even contain calcium carbonate.
The cells are eukaryotic that posses true nucleus.
Vegetation reproduction occurs by fragmentation
The reserved food is in the form of starch
Post fertilization changes result in the formation of a new structure
The cell wall is made of cellulose, pectic compounds .
Many algae are edible like Dulse. Some algae are used as a cattle fodder. Amanori is algae cultivated in Japan which is eaten with rice.
Some algae are used in microbiological work. It is used in kitchen in the preparation of jellies, puddings, creams and bakery goods.
It is used in leather, textile and meat industries
It is used as a emulsifier in choclates and ice cream
It is used in making glue abd papers.
Some algae are used to produce Bromine of commercial importance