Biology, asked by hhhh33, 1 year ago

Write general characters of cyanophycean??


Answered by yashsoni21
They have the following important characteristics:The important characteristics of the division are as follows:The thallus may be of unicellular or colonial forms:Unicellular Form:Colonial Form:a. Non-Filamentous Type:b. Filamentous Type:Gaidukov phenomenon or complementary chromatic adaptation

yashsoni21: Brainlist
Answered by silu12
hi ✌️
the important general features of the group include :-

☑️it is also called blue green algae or cyano bacteria .

☑️it is a prokaryotic algae wild occurs in all type of habitats like Marine and freshwater .

☑️Sunshine away today also associated with symbiotically other organisms like fungi pteridophytes and gymnosperms .

☑️it lack cell organelles except 70s ribosomes.

☑️ they lack flagella but glied on substratum for movement

☑️they contain their characteristics pigment like C-phycocyanin and c-phycoerithrin.

☑️They lack sexual reproduction .

☑️the main method of reproduction is by vegetative methods hormogonia ,akinetes, endosperm etc .

☑️the cell are surrounded by mucilaginous sheath .

☑️they carry oxygenic photosynthesis .

☑️some cyanobacteria contain heterocyst which help in nitrogen fixation .
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