Write Idioms for the following
cult following
Collectively, the passionate fans of a film, TV show, book, or other creative work, typically one that has not had mainstream success.
How did "Twin Peaks" manage to create a cult following in just two seasons?
See also: cult, following
follow (one's) lead
To act in a manner similar to someone else.
I know you're nervous about having to lie to Mom, but just follow my lead and don't start rambling.
I am following my sister's lead and joining her old sorority.
See also: follow, lead
follow (one's) nose
1. To walk straight ahead (thus walking in the direction that one's nose is facing).
A: "Should I turn here?" B: "No, follow your nose and keep walking in a straight line—you'll be at my house soon enough."
2. To follow a scent, in an attempt to find its source.
I thought I smelled something baking, so I followed my nose down to the kitchen and found my mom icing a cake!