Write in briefly about three fibre yielding plants of Assam . Mentioning their botanical name parts used and purpose of uses
- Jute (Corchorus Capsularis Linn):
- Jute plants are undershrub’s up to 75 cm. high or taller. Leaves are simple, ovate to elliptic, stipulate, serrate, acute or shortly acuminate, rounded at base and often tailed on both sides, pubescent or almost glabrous; lamina up to 7.5 cm. long, 3.5 cm. broad; stipules filiform or subulate. Cymes axillary, 1-few-flowered, bracteate.
- Flowers are bisexual, short pedicilled, yellow; buds obovoid. Sepals 4-5, free, oblong-lanceolate 3-4 mm. long.
2. Cotton (Gossypium Species):
- The cotton fibre is the hairy outgrowth of the seed of different species of Gossypium Linn.
3. Sisal Hemp (Agave Sisalana Perr):
- Sisal hemp are shrubby herbs with usually a very short thick woody root stock. Leaves are large, thick and fleshy, densely clustered at the top of the root stock, bluish green, spiny at the tip and at the edges; 1.5 – 2 mtr. long and about 15 cm. broad.
- Inflorescence is a long thyroid panicle on a stout pole like peduncle arising from the centre of the plant and rapidly growing to a height of 7-10 mtr. Flowers bisexual, with a tubular perianth. Stamens 6; filaments adnate to the base of and longer than the perianth.
Three Fiber Yielding Plants Of Assam
The Fibers are Commonly used for Synthetics, textiles, etc. They are commonly three types of plants found in Assam used for the Fibers. Which as follows.
1.Plant name - Gossypium
Family - Malvaceae
Common name -Kapah
Used - The plant fiber is used for the Textile Industry
2..Plant name - Cocos nucifera
Family - Arecaceae
Common name -Naricool
Used - The fiber Extracted from the fruit and used in Ropes, Doormats Mattresses and twins.
3.Plant name - Boehmeria nivea
Family - Urticaceae
Common name - Rhea
Used - The Fiber is Used to make a Packaging Materials and Fishing nets and Industrial sewing thread.