History, asked by surbhi220406, 4 months ago

write in detail about any 5 challenges in front of indias security


Answered by vanshika372448


hallenge 1: Getting domestic demand back on track.

Challenge 2: Creating decent jobs.

Challenge 3: Reviving animal spirits.

Challenge 4: Ending the credit drought.

Challenge 5: Raising spending without raising inflation.


States across Asia face growing challenges to their security. The gradual shift in the balance of power from the West to the East has introduced security competition among the major states. As India’s economic and military profile grows in the wider Indo-Pacific, it too faces a range of intrastate and interstate security challenges, which it has to manage. In this context, it is worth considering the nature and scope of India’s military modernisation in view of the types of conflicts it faces. The modernisation of the Indian defence forces is a complex process covering issues pertaining to the balance between manpower and firepower as well as that between the acquisition of weaponry from indigenous sources and the import of arms. India’s efforts to revamp and restructure its military in response to security challenges are characterised by a quest to meet the needs of the three services without compromising transparency and integrity in the acquisition of weapons.

Answered by shendesahil342


  1. Getting domestic demand back on track
  2. Creating decent jobs
  3. Reviving animal spirits
  4. Ending the credit drought
  5. Raising spending without raising inflation



  1. Once a favourite theme of fund-managers, India’s ‘consumption story’ had begun losing its sheen even before the pandemic-induced lockdown led to a collapse in spending. Data from the 2017-18 National Sample Survey (NSS) report on consumption spending show that real rural consumption expenditure declined between 2011-12 and 2017-18 even as it rose in urban India, leading to a fall in overall consumption numbers.
  2. The sustainability of the consumption revival in the coming years will ultimately hinge on India’s ability to create decent well-paying jobs. Over the past few years, the ranks of the salaried class had swelled, even if at a slow pace. The pandemic has however led to a sharp decline in the ranks of the salaried class, data from CMIE’s household surveys suggest. In fiscal 2020, 21% of the workforce surveyed were in salaried jobs. This figure fell to 17% in the September-ended quarter last year and only rose marginally to 18% in the December-ended quarter.
  3. Job-creation at scale will require the country’s entrepreneurs to step up investments. India’s investment cycle has been moribund for several years but the past year has been an absolute washout.
  4. Job-creation at scale will require the country’s entrepreneurs to step up investments. India’s investment cycle has been moribund for several years but the past year has been an absolute washout.As a share of India’s gross domestic product (GDP), new investments are expected to fall to 24% this fiscal, a 20-year low. The investment rate had peaked at 36% of GDP in 2007-08 and has seen a steady decline since then.
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