write in detail the steps, measure,and policies indian should take to adopt and bring back simile on people's face after suffering and hardships
green India Indian it we clean India green India campaign urgently the general state of of city stunts colonies rivers Ocean lakes station parks gardens public transportation systems railway stations public toilets all indicate we as a nation or not trophy in English the nationwide swachh Bharat abhiyan is another through for property to the square of lying and clean the around us
aisi entire nation is abuse with the cleanliness drive San campaigns under the importance of swachh Bharat abhiyan launched by the honorable prime minister of India Narendra Modi left contribute to it by making for clean first Amitabh Ibrahim as why very voice is clean your mind and our country will automatically get dry cleaned.
We hope these measures will take us significantly further in the ... 1. make something known to someone in spoken or written words ... English words derived from Indian languages.