write in the form of a dialogue the fable of the hare and the tortoise
The Tortoise and The Hare
NARRATOR : One day a hare was making fun at the tortoise.
HARE: You walk so slow.
TORTOISE: You may walk fast but I will win the rare.
HARE : we will see who wins.
NARRATOR : The rare started.running'
TORTOISE : I will not stop, walking until the finishing line.
HARE : The tortoise walks so slowly.so we can take a small break.
NARRATOR : then the hare woke and it started to run. Then he saw the tortoise reaching the finishing line.
HARE : How did you won.
TORTOISE : while you slept. I kept walking. I walk slow but I am steady, so I won the race.
HARE : I learned the lesson'
The dialogue the fable of the hare and the tortoise is given below.
NARRATOR: One day a hare was creating fun of the tortoise.
HARE: Ha, ha, ha!. Your feet are so small and you walk so slowly that you take too long to bring to a place.
TORTOISE: You may be as quickly as the wind, but I will beat you in a race.
HARE: That is simply impossible. Ha, ha, ha!. But, I approve, let`s race.
TORTOISE: Very well then. The fox will determine the way and will wait for us at the winning post.
FOX: Very good!. I will be waiting for both of you. Let`s see who wins!.
NARRATOR: On the day of the race the two began the race together.
FOX: 1, 2, 3, Go!.
TORTOISE: I will not stop walking. I will keep walking slowly but at a steady pace straight to the end of the finish line
HARE: Oh well. That tortoise walks so slow that I have time to take a nap.
NARRATOR: When the hare woke up.
HARE: Oh I fell asleep. I have to run as speedy as I can. I think I wasted some time.
NARRATOR: Then he noticed the Tortoise had run the winning post.
HARE: How did you do it?. This is unbelievable!.
TORTOISE: While you rested, I kept walking. I may seem slow, but I am constant and patient, so I succeeded in the race.
HARE: You`re right Tortoise, being fast doesn’t indicate that you will win. I learned my lesson!.