write in words math explanations and examples for nursery students.
One concept that children need to learn at a young age is to read their number words. This is so important not only in math (like in story problems) but also in real life. We see number words all around us every day so it is important for our children to be able to read them. Here are 8 fun ways to teach or review number words with your young children.
Play Hopscotch – Draw a normal hopscotch grid on your driveway or sidewalk. Instead of writing numbers inside the boxes, write the number words. As your child plays, have them say each number word as they jump on it.
Egg Carton Matching – The next time you finish all the eggs in a carton, save the carton. Write a number word in each section of the carton. Then have your child put the correct number of small objects into each section. You could use beans, beads, paperclips, small building blocks, toothpicks or any other small household item.
Write in Playdough – Let your child use playdough and a toothpick to write the number words. Have them press the playdough flat and scratch the word into the playdough with the toothpick. Then they can ball up the playdough, reflatten it, and start on the next word.
Swat! – Write the number words on small index cards or on a large piece of posterboard. When you say a number, your child should use a flyswatter to hit the correct number word as if they were swatting a fly.
Color Writing – Let your child use a different color to write each number word. You could also have them write in bubble letters, with pens or markers, or in chalk outside.
Go Fishing! – Write the number words on fish shaped papers. Attach a paper clip to the mouth part of each fish. Next tie a magnet to one end of a string and a stick to the other end to make a magnetic fishing pole. Let your child dangle the magnet over the fish until he “catches” one. Then have your child read the number word on the fish he caught.
Number Blocks – Grab an old tumbling block tower game, and write the number words on different blocks. You should have enough blocks to write the words several times. Set up the game and play with your child. Every time someone pulls out a block with a number word on it, they must read the number word out loud.
Cut and Paste – Give your child an old magazine or two to look through. Let them cut out the letters that make up each number word. They can then glue the letters onto a piece of paper in the right order for each word.
The more variety you use as you review the number words, the more those tricky words will stick in your child’s mind. Make it a goal to go over them frequently and using many different methods. What other fun ideas do you have for ways to review the number words?
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
The most fundamental concept in elementary school mathematics is that of number, specifically whole number. To get a sense of both the difficulty of the concept and how much of it is taken for granted, try to define what a whole number is.
One common conception of whole number says that two sets have the same numerosity (same number of members) if and only if each member of one set can be paired with exactly one member of the other (with no members left over from either set). If one set has members left over after this pairing, then that set has a greater numerosity (more items in it) than the other does.
This definition allows one to decide whether two sets have the same number of items without knowing how many there are in either set. The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget developed a task based in part on this definition that has been widely used to assess whether children understand the critical importance of this one-to-one correspondence in defining numerosity.1 In this task, children are shown an array like the one below, which might represent candies. They are then asked a question like the following: Are there more light candies, the same number of dark and light candies, or more dark candies?
Most preschoolers recognize that the sets have the same amount of candy, based on the one-to-one alignment of the individual pieces. Next, the child watches the experimenter spread out the items in one set, which alters the spatial alignment of the pieces:
Babies show numerical competence almost from the day they are born,3 and some infants younger than six months have shown they can perform a rudimentary kind of addition and subtraction.4 These abilities suggest that number is a fundamental component of the world children know. Whether and how this early sensitivity to number affects later mathematical development remains to be shown, but children enter the world prepared to notice number as a feature of their environment.
Much of what preschool children know about number is bound up in their developing understanding and mastery of counting. Counting a set of objects is a complex task involving thinking, perception, and movement, with much of its complexity obscured by familiarity. Consider what you need to do to count a set of objects: The items to be counted must be identified and distinguished from items not to be counted, as well as from those that have already been counted. Items are counted by pairing each one with some sort of verbal representation (typically a number name). An indicating act is needed that pairs each object in space with a word said in time. Finally, you need to understand that counting results in a number that represents how many things are in the set that was counted.
Competent counting requires mastery of a symbolic system, facility with a complicated set of procedures that require pointing at objects and designating them with symbols, and understanding that some aspects of counting are merely conventional, while others lie at the heart of its mathematical usefulness. We discuss issues related to competent counting, including the learning of number names, in the section on procedural fluency below. In this section, we discuss children’s understanding of the conceptual aspects of counting. This separation is somewhat artificial because counting is a good example of the way in which the different strands of mathematical proficiency are
As children learn to count, their thinking changes in a way that shapes their concept of number. Counting is not simply reciting the number word sequence. There must be items to count; and there must be a procedure to make each utterance of a number word correspond with one of the items to be counted.5 At first, these items are perceptual; they might be, for example, beads, marbles, fingers, taps, steps, or drumbeats. The child must not only be able to perceive the items but also to conceive of them as individual things to be counted. Later, children become able to count sets of things (e.g., “how many different colors of buttons are there?”) as well as items that may not be readily perceivable.6 The counter must always create a mental representation of the items that are counted. This process of creation is clearly demonstrated when a child appears to count specific items in a situation where no such items are visible, audible, or tangible. Counting in the absence of perceivable objects is the culmination of a rather intricate developmental process. The process includes the progressive development of an ability to create unit items to be counted, first on the basis of conscious perception of external objects and then on the basis of internal representations.7