Political Science, asked by shobhamamatageri, 17 days ago

Write in your
own words 2 or more sentenses of
you understand by the word 'marg


Answered by dhanushende00


Write in your own words two or more sentences of what you understand by the word 'marginalization'. Solution: Marginalisation means the communities which are put at the margins of economic and cultural development. These communities are devoid of any changes or advancement which other people enjoy in modem times.

Answered by gangisettyhanuma


Marginalization occurs when certain people — or, in a workplace setting, employees — are treated as invisible, as if they aren't there or their skills or talents are unwelcome or unnecessary.

What is marginalization in culture?

Marginalized communities exist everywhere. In general, the major groups that are cited as marginalized are ethic and religious minorities, disabled persons, LGBTQ people and women. Critiques of marginalization are increasingly bringing conversations about these groups' exclusion from popular culture into focus. The #OscarsSoWhite hashtag, which activist April Reign created in April 2015 in response to an all-white slate of acting nominees, is a recent high-profile example of this trend. In more everyday cases, marginalization generally takes the form of specific groups' exclusion from day-to-day conversations, decision-making, and community life.

What are the causes of marginalization?

Marginalization has myriad causes. Some of these include lack of social mobility, inability to communicate across cultural differences, intergroup misunderstanding, economic segregation and a belief — justified or not — that a situation is zero-sum, requiring one group's marginalization in order to allow another group's success. Sometimes, marginalization also comes down to the "-isms": racism, sexism, ableism, etc.

Marginalization in the workplace

In the workplace context, marginalization is the result of systemic actions that the "in group" takes — whether consciously or unconsciously — to alienate or disenfranchise a specific person or groups of people by sidelining them from the group's main activities and contributions

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