Write information on connecting link evidences.
Evidences from connecting links:- Some organisms show characters of two different groups are known as connecting links. This gives us a prove that members of higher groups somehow are evolved from the lower group.
1. Virus:- Between living and non living m
2. Euglena:- Between plants and animals
3. Proterospongia:- Between protozoa and porifera
4. Neopilina:- Between annelida and mollusca
5. Balanogiossus:- Between non chordata and chordta
6. Peripatus:- Between annelida and arthropoda
7. Chimera:- Between cartilaginous and bony fishes
8. Protopterus or Lung fish:- Between fishes and amphibian
9. Seymauria:- Between amphibia and reptilia
10. Echidna:- Between reptiles and mammals
11. Archaeopteryx:- Between reptiles and birds
12. Platypus:- Between reptiles and mammals.