Write java program by taking input as student name, roll number, marks of four subjects and section of student. Assuming that the exam is conducted for 100 marks. Find out the percentage and grade.
Percentage Grade
> = 80 to 100 Excellent
> = 70 to <80 First Div.
> = 60 to <70 Second Div.
> = 50 to <60 Third Div.
Less than 50 Fail
print the output in following format:
Student name Roll no. Percentage Grade
Good morning!
Step-by-step explanation:
class Program 20
void Result( int ml, int m2, int m3) ; double Tot = 0.0, per 0.0;
char grade; Tot m1 m2 + m3;
Int grade //finding total marks
Intper (Tot 100 if (per > 90)
//300; //finding percentage
grade = 'A':
else if (per >= 80 && per < 90)
grade = 'B'; else if (per > 60 && per < 80)
grade = 'C';
else if (per >= 50 && per < 60) grade = 'D;
grade = E;
//calculation of net-amount
System.out.println("Marks in three subjects=" + ml );
System.out.println("Total marks =" + Tot); System.out.println("Percentage =+ per);
System.out.println("Grade obtained = 1
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