write letter to forest department official stating that you saw several trees being felled on the edge mini forest ,while you were returning from picnic.Mention also that you saw some encroachment in a nearby lack
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Tree Felling in Kanataka is governed by the Karnataka Preservation of Trees Act, 1976. Section 8 (1) of the act states: With effect on and from the appointed day, notwithstanding any custom, usage, contract or law for the time being in force, no person shall fell any tree or cause any tree to be felled in any land, whether in his ownership or occupancy or otherwise, except with the previous permission of the Tree Officer Thus, whether the tree is in private land or government land, the permission of the Tree Officer is essential before a tree is cut. On what grounds can a tree be cut? The Act says that permission to cut a tree cannot be refused if the tree - (i) is dead, diseased or wind-fallen; or (ii) has silviculturally matured; or (iii) constitutes a danger to life or property; or (iv) constitutes obstruction to traffic; or (v) is substantially damaged or destroyed by fire, lightning, rain or other natural causes
Read more at: http://bangalore.citizenmatters.in/blogs/deepa-s-jottings/blog_posts/what-to-do-when-you-see-a-tree-...
Read more at: http://bangalore.citizenmatters.in/blogs/deepa-s-jottings/blog_posts/what-to-do-when-you-see-a-tree-...
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