English, asked by jogeswararaok42361, 10 months ago

Write letter to the editor of a newspaper drawing attention to the insanitary condition of the city streets


Answered by meanishasharma


I wish to request you to publish the following lines in your esteemed newspaper under the columns "Letters to the Editor." That our colony is a miniature hell on this earths it has not been repaired for the last many years. It is full of pitfalls. During the rainy season, water accumulates and stagnates. Mosquitoes breed there and spread malaria. The sweepers and the water carriers do not work properly.

The drains give out foul smell. There is no dustbin in our street. People throw the garbage in the streets and hereby create to unhealthy conditions. Some people keep their cows and buffaloes in the street and do not remove the dung. Such a bad state of the road sometimes causes accidents. The authorities therefore should take necessary action. We have brought these things to the notice of area Health Supervisor and The Zonal Health Commissioner but to no apparent result. If immediate steps are not taken in this connection the insanitary conditions may become a serious threat to the health of the residents of this locality. Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Answered by RonakMangal

10, Nirmal Vihar


28 March, 2017

The Editor

Times of India

Subhash Nagar


Unsanitary condition of the streets.

Dear sir

I want to drawn your kind attention towards the unsanitary condition of the city

streets. The main problem is that the rubbish collecting van does not come regularly

because of this the garbage is heavily deposited on the road. It produces very bad

smell and is very harmful to the health as it attracts various insects and

microorganisms. It is the breeding place of bacterias and viruses.

Through the columns of your esteemed and renowned newspaper, I want to draw

everyones attention towards the unsanitary condition of the city streets. I want that

the rubbish should be collected daily or atleast on the alternate days. Insecticides

should be sprayed to prevent the breeding of germs.

I hope that you will look into this matter and publish the article related to the

unsanitary problem so that it will awaken everyone.

Thanking you

Your faithfully

Saurav Sharma

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