write letter to your friend about your hobbies
Vill : (Write your village here)
P.O.: (Name of Post Office)
Dist: (Name of the District)
My dear Arnab,
Your sweet letter is just in my hand. I am extremely happy to know that you all are very well. You have wanted to know about my hobby. But I am a little afraid thinking that you may not be pleased to hear that my favourite hobby is gardening. A most humble hobby without any glamour about it!
Yet it is my Paradise and all I love. I have planted a lot of flower plants in my garden. Besides (তাছাড়াও), I have planted (লাগিয়েছি) many fruit trees. When the trees are burdened (পরিপূর্ণ হয়) with blossoms (ফুল) and fruits in my garden, I am overjoyed at my own creation (সৃষ্টি). I cannot explain in words the pleasure I experience at that very moment. The beautiful flowers remind (মনে করিয়ে দেয়) me of Keats:” A thing of beauty is a joy forever.” I regularly take care of them. I remove the weeds regularly and manure them when required. Regular work in my garden gives me ample physical work and for this I remain fit in body and mind. Whenever I am in a pensive mood I run into my garden and spend sometime there.
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