write Lewis dot structure of CO2, BF3 , H2O.
Lewis dot structure of CO2 :- Lewis structure of carbon dioxide: This figure explains the bonding in a CO2write molecule. Each O atom starts out with six (red) electrons and C with four (black) electrons, and each bond behind an O atom and the C atom consists of two electrons from the O and two of the four electrons from the C.
write Lewis dot structure of BF3:- There are a total of 24 valence electrons for the BF3 Lewis structure. After determining how many valence electrons there are in BF3, place them around the central atom to complete the octets. Boron is the least electronegative atom in the BF3 Lewis structure and therefore goes at the center of the structure.
write Lewis dot structure of H2O:- The Lewis Dot Structure for H2O. This is the Lewis Dot Structure for H2O. You could alternatively also draw the structure by including two dots for every bond. While oxygen's octet seems to have been filled, hydrogen only has two electrons for its valence shell.
hope it helps you.
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FOR H2O: O has 6 valence electrons, and each H has one. You must arrange 8 electrons in pairs so that O has 8 and each H has two electrons in its valence shell. You have eight valence electrons in your trial structure, so it has the correct number of electrons. The trial structure has the correct number of electrons.
FOR CO2: So CO2 = 4 + 6(2) = 16. So, total valence electrons are 16. Carbon is the least electronegative that means it stays at the center. So, put the Carbon in the middle and then set the oxygen either side of that!
FOR BF3: There are a total of 24 valence electrons for the BF3 Lewis structure. After determining how many valence electrons there are in BF3, place them around the central atom to complete the octets. Boron is the least electronegative atom in the BF3 Lewis structure and therefore goes at the center of the structure.