Write major problems of Weimar Republic?
The Weimar Republic faced violent uprisings from various groups, not to mention devastating economic problems. Germany between 1918 and 1919 was in chaos.
- a French invasion of the Ruhr.
- a general strike.
- runaway inflation - hyperinflation.
- a number of communist rebellions.
- an attempted Nazi putsch in Munich.
The problems faced by the Weimar Republic were:
→ Versailles treaty: The Versailles Peace Treaty at the end of the First World War dispossessed Germany of its territories, its resources and its pride as a nation. He also had to pay 6 billion pounds as war compensation. In spite of the harsh terms, the Weimar Republic accepted the humiliating treaty, thereby making it unpopular amongst the German masses.
→ Economic Crisis: The German state was financially crippled due to overwhelming war debts which had to be paid in gold. Subsequently god reserves depleted and value of German mark fell. Prices of essential goods rose dramatically.
→ Political defects: The Weimar Republic was weak due to inherent constitutional irregularities such as proportional representation and Article 48 (which gave the President the power to impose emergency and rule by decree). The democratic parliamentary system seemed to give the people no solutions or benefits in the times of the severe economic crisis.