Science, asked by wwwmine463, 7 hours ago

Write minimum 8 comments of each type of cell (description of main organelles present with their main function)​


Answered by israastar15



cell membrane separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment (the extracellular space) which protects the cell from its environment. two-dimensional liquid all eukaryotes  

cell wall The cell wall is a rigid structure composed of cellulose that provides shape to the cell, helps keep the organelles inside the cell, and does not let the cell burst from osmotic pressure. various plants, protists, rare kleptoplastic organisms  

chloroplast (plastid) photosynthesis, traps energy from sunlight double-membrane compartment plants, protists, rare kleptoplastic organisms has own DNA; theorized to be engulfed by the ancestral eukaryotic cell (endosymbiosis)

endoplasmic reticulum translation and folding of new proteins (rough endoplasmic reticulum), expression of lipids (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes rough endoplasmic reticulum is covered with ribosomes, has folds that are flat sacs; smooth endoplasmic reticulum has folds that are tubular

flagellum locomotion, sensory protein some eukaryotes  

Golgi apparatus sorting, packaging, processing and modification of proteins single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes cis-face (convex) nearest to rough endoplasmic reticulum; trans-face (concave) farthest from rough endoplasmic reticulum

mitochondrion energy production from the oxidation of glucose substances and the release of adenosine triphosphate double-membrane compartment most eukaryotes constituting element of the chondriome; has own DNA; theorized to have been engulfed by an ancestral eukaryotic cell (endosymbiosis)[20]

nucleus DNA maintenance, controls all activities of the cell, RNA transcription double-membrane compartment all eukaryotes contains bulk of genome

vacuole storage, transportation, helps maintain homeostasis single-membrane compartment eukaryotes  

Mitochondria and plastids, including chloroplasts, have double membranes and their own DNA. According to the endosymbiotic theory, they are believed to have originated from incompletely consumed or invading prokaryotic organisms.

Minor eukaryotic organelles and cell components

Organelle/Macromolecule Main function Structure Organisms

acrosome helps spermatozoa fuse with ovum single-membrane compartment most animals

autophagosome vesicle that sequesters cytoplasmic material and organelles for degradation double-membrane compartment all eukaryotes

centriole anchor for cytoskeleton, organizes cell division by forming spindle fibers Microtubule protein animals

cilium movement in or of external medium; "critical developmental signaling pathway".[21] Microtubule protein animals, protists, few plants

cnidocyst stinging coiled hollow tubule cnidarians

eyespot apparatus detects light, allowing phototaxis to take place  green algae and other unicellular photosynthetic organisms such as euglenids

glycosome carries out glycolysis single-membrane compartment Some protozoa, such as Trypanosomes.

glyoxysome conversion of fat into sugars single-membrane compartment plants

hydrogenosome energy & hydrogen production double-membrane compartment a few unicellular eukaryotes

lysosome breakdown of large molecules (e.g., proteins + polysaccharides) single-membrane compartment animals

melanosome pigment storage single-membrane compartment animals

mitosome probably plays a role in Iron-sulfur cluster (Fe-S) assembly double-membrane compartment a few unicellular eukaryotes that lack mitochondria

myofibril myocyte contraction bundled filaments animals

nucleolus pre-ribosome production protein-DNA-RNA most eukaryotes

ocelloid detects light and possibly shapes, allowing phototaxis to take place double-membrane compartment members of the family Warnowiaceae

parenthesome not characterized not characterized fungi

peroxisome breakdown of metabolic hydrogen peroxide single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes

porosome secretory portal single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes

proteasome degradation of unneeded or damaged proteins by proteolysis very large protein complex all eukaryotes, all archaea, and some bacteria

ribosome (80S) translation of RNA into proteins RNA-protein all eukaryotes

stress granule mRNA storage[22] membraneless

(mRNP complexes)

most eukaryotes

TIGER domain mRNA encoding proteins membraneless most organisms

vesicle material transport

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