write MSW LOGO program?
MSWLogo is a programming language which is interpreted, based on the language Logo, with a graphical user interface (GUI) front end. ... MSWLogo has evolved into FMSLogo: An Educational Programming Environment, a free, open source implementation of the language Logo for Microsoft Windows.
FD number - Moves the turtle forward by number pixel. Example: FD 100
BK number - Moves the turtle back by number pixel. Example: BK 100
RT angle - Turns the turtle towards the right side in clockwise direction. Example: RT 90
LT angle - Turns the turtle towards the left side in anti-clockwise direction. Example: LT 90
PU - Lifts turtle’s pen from the screen so that the turtle can move without drawing a line.
PD - Puts turtle’s pen down on the screen so that the turtle can continue drawing.
PE - Sets the turtle’s pen to erase mode. After PE the FD and BK commands will erase the line.
PENNORMAL - Sets the turtle to normal mode and cancels erase mode.