write name keerthi in different languages
in Japanese - ケルティ
in Malayalam - കീർത്തി
in Panjabi - ਕੀਰਥੀ
in Urdu - کیریتی
in Gujarathi - કેરથિ
in Sindhi - ڪيريٿ
in Tamil - கீர்த்தி
in Arabic - كيرثي
Step 1: Keerthi's meaning is Glorious, Renowned, Well Known, and Popular. Baby girl name Keerthi. Keerthi's astrological sign is Mithun/Gemini (K, CHH, GH, Q, C), and Punarvasu/Punartham is her nakshatra (Ke, Ko, Ha, Hi).
Step 2: A foreign language is one that native speakers from that country must typically learn through conscious learning, such as through language lessons at school, self-teaching, or participation in language courses. A foreign language is one that is neither an official language of a given country nor one that is typically spoken in that country.
Step 3: Languages vary from one another in a number of ways, including their vocabulary, sound structure, phonology, and sentence structure (syntax) (lexicon). The breadth and boundaries of variance, however, provide a difficult conundrum.
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