Hindi, asked by satnam77002, 6 hours ago

write on Social media advantages and disadvantages! explain

question in picture​



Answered by carissa20065feb


1. Affects Social-Emotional Connection

Social media has become a hindrance in the way of social-emotional connection. Be it the wishes on special days or expressing one’s feelings, everything has been limited to textual content through social media, which results in a lack of personal feelings and connections.

Earlier people use to visit one’s place to wish them on special days, but now they find it easier to send a text message. A person’s emotions and feelings cannot be felt through just a text message. So, there is a lack of connection between people because of social media.

2. Decreases Quick-witted Skill

I would totally agree that social media has decreased real-time face-to-face conversations with our buddies. People have started relying on text messages by simply typing a text.

Internet users are not quick-witted; they take time to think and then reply. It has a terrible impact on their mental health.

Can you imagine which element is missing nowadays? The element of love, friendship, enjoyment, fun time, peace, and much more is being missed out knowingly or unknowingly because of the usage of social media constantly.

They can express the same feeling using write words when they are in front of others.

3. Causing Distress to Someone’s Feelings

I really feel sad when I see people using social media as a platform to hurt the other person. I wonder why it is so.

The unnecessary trolls, feedbacks, comments on another person’s life makes me feel very disappointed. What is the need to do all this? Is social media for all this? I don’t think so. You can use it for a noble deed instead of hurting someone or giving them pain and suffering.

Some people are not posting anything to hurt others, just sharing their point of view, but who’s reading the content and not agree with them may become upset or disappointed with their opinion. It causes disputes in family, friend circle, and business.

4. Present Physically Not Mentally

The negative effects of social media

When I am at my friend’s place or on an outing with them, I really feel disheartened by seeing each one busy with their phones.

Nowadays, relationships have left behind because we are so much engrossed in our phones that we somewhere miss that friendship, love, and care.

It is one of the major reasons behind health issues like depression, stress, and anxiety because we are somewhere missing those real-time friends and interactions with them, which we earlier used to have.

5. Lacking Understanding and Thoughtfulness

Understanding or convey a feeling through word or even a voice ain’t possible. You need to be in front of someone to understand what they want to say and feel about you. The same words can communicate a different meaning until you are not able to understand the body language and the way of speaking. Words can express or hide the real meaning.

Social media has replaced a real-time face to face conversations. People are busy the whole day chatting online that when they meet the person in real-time, they are unable to understand the feelings, emotions, love, connection with each other, etc. which means that they are so much busy in the virtual world that they forget everything.

Sometimes, I really feel that our forefathers were far luckier than us in this because they were away from all these distractions and were able to spend quality time with their loved ones and family.


please mark me as branilieast

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