English, asked by tannujaan1212, 4 months ago

write one piece of wisdom for yourself​


Answered by mahajanswara12


I am big on self-reflection. I don’t know whether my degree in psychology and a career in teaching developed that in me or whether I was already pensive type which meant that psychology and teaching spoke to that aspect of my personality but either way, I’m an over thinker.

Recently, I was thinking about the power of hindsight and the lessons we all learn along the path of our lives which, had we been forewarned about, we might have handled differently. This got me thinking (yes, shocker I know!) about the one piece of advice that I would give to myself as a child if I could go back in time. That one nugget of truth that would have made all the difference.

I asked a few Facebook and blogging friends too and was amazed by the number and the tone of the responses. It was clear to me that some of these pieces of advice were based on really significant lessons ~ the loss of people they loved, advice that they’d ignored, time they had wasted, self-talk that hadn’t helped them. So much richness in just one sentence back to ourselves. I was genuinely touched and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did. My contributors were also happy for me to share a photograph or two (some of them hilarious, all of them super cute) so feel free to awwww and giggle too!


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