Science, asked by vixyfn53, 6 days ago

Write one positive influence and one negative influence that computers have on society


Answered by mokshit24


Technology is rampant - even if we only use the word to mean technology in a computing capacity, it's still something that's constantly growing and evolving. But, of course technology is far bigger than that.

As more and more of our lives are linked ever closer to technology, we start to ask ourselves whether or not that's a good thing. Is technology ultimately a positive or negative influence on society?

Well, it's not quite as straightforward as saying it's either a good thing or a bad thing. There are both massive benefits and downfalls of technology, and it's impossible to say 'yes, it's good' or 'no, it's bad', without considering the nuances of both sides.

Positive: Health Impact

With technology, we can help people who, in decades gone by, would have suffered pain, debilitating illness or death.

3D printing is becoming one of the hottest healthcare technologies. Printing implants and joints to be used during surgery is one area that's up and coming, while the potential to print organ tissue is being explored, researched, and developed. Think of a future where organ donation is no longer necessary, because we can grow bio-matched replacements as required.


3D-printed prosthetics are also becoming increasingly popular. As they are bespoke, with the digital mapping enabling them to precisely match an individual’s measurements down to the millimetre, they offer unprecedented levels of comfort and mobility. They're also being used in countries where access to prosthetics is minimal at best, providing mobility and normality to people who previously would have had none.

And those two are examples of just one type of technology.

The future of healthcare has the world of technology at its feet. Smart hospitals will become more efficient at treating patients and picking up problems before they become unmanageable. Artificial Intelligence is already being used to assist in surgery, reduce dosage errors, and support clinical trials. It will become even more prevalent as technologies continue to improve.



Answered by pratimashekokar19


positive-we get to know many things by computer and some problems which we are not able to solve are solved by computer

Negative-Though computers help us lot they are harmful to if we use computers for much time our eyes can be caught in diseases so use computer for right amount of time plsss mark brainlist

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