Write one word for the following:
1. These carry comments at the end of sections.one word
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The following articles are available for the 'Footnotes and Endnotes' topic. Click the article''s title (shown in bold) to see the associated article.
Adding Endnotes in Text Boxes
Text boxes and endnotes are both great tools you can use within a document. Problem is, you cannot use them together—Word doesn't allow you to add endnotes within a text box. This tip looks at how you can get round this problem.
Adding Footnotes to Endnotes
Word does footnotes. Word does endnotes. Word doesn't do footnotes within endnotes. Here's a discussion as to why and what you might do about it.
Adding Information after the Endnotes
Endnotes appear at the end of the document, right? Not always, as Word provides a way that you can actually add as much information as you want after the endnotes.
Automatically Adding Tabs in Footnotes
When you add a footnote to a document, Word's normal formatting adds a space after the footnote number and before the body of the footnote. You may want Word to use a tab instead of the space. There are a couple of ways you can approach this problem, as discussed in this tip.
Brackets around Footnote References
When you insert footnotes in a document, Word allows you to modify the formatting applied to the footnote references. What it doesn't allow is for you to specify any extra characters that should be included with the reference. Here's a way you can add any extra characters you want, such as a set of brackets.
Center-column Footnotes
Ever want to change the formatting of your footnotes? This tip explains what you can and can't do in Word.
Changing How Footnote References Appear
Footnote references normally appear as superscripted digits, both in the main body of your document and in the footnotes area. Unfortunately, changing them is not that easy. If you want them to appear differently, then you need to apply some workarounds as described in this tip.
Changing the Footnote Continuation Notice
When a footnote needs to span two printed pages, Word prints a continuation notice at the end of the footnote being continued. This tip explains how you can change the wording in that notice.
Changing the Footnote Continuation Separator
When you add a really long footnote to a document, it could be that the entire footnote might not fit on the page where the footnote reference appears. If that is the case, Word continues the footnote to a subsequent page. You can control the separator that is used for such continuations.
Changing the Footnote Separator
When you print a document that uses footnotes, Word normally places a small line between the end of the document body text and the start of the footnotes on the page. You can change this line to anything you want by following the steps in this tip.
Changing the Way Endnotes Are Numbered
Word is flexible on how it numbers your endnotes. This tip shows how easy it is to make the changes to the numbering system.
Changing the Way Footnotes Are Numbered
Most footnotes in a document start numbering with the number 1 and proceed from there through the rest of your document. It doesn't have to be that way, though. You can customize the way that your footnotes appear by using the information in this tip.
Comments in Endnotes
Able to add comments everywhere, except in endnotes? This seems to be a limitation in Word, but here are some ways to work around the problem.
Continuous Formatting for Footnotes
If you've got a lot of short footnotes in a document, you might be looking for a way to save space by "crunching up" the footnotes by running them together in a single paragraph on each page. This tip explores why this can't be easily done in Word.
Controlling Endnote Placement
Endnotes are often used in technical and scholarly documents. You can control exactly where the endnotes appear in your document by following the steps presented in this tip.
Controlling Footnote Placement
Footnotes are normally placed at the bottom of the page on which the footnote is referenced. However, Word provides some flexibility on the actual placement of the note on the printed page. This tip discusses the options you have.
Converting Endnotes to Regular Text
If you have a document with lots of endnotes, you may need them converted to regular text so that they can be used properly by another program. Doing the conversion by hand can quickly get tedious, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier.
Converting Footnotes to Endnotes
When you spend a lot of time creating footnotes, how can you convert all of them to endnotes without entering them all again? It's easy to do if you follow the steps in this tip.