English, asked by almanal2008, 6 months ago

Write one word for the following.
1.A helper in a crime 2. A person whose occupation is to investigate and solve a crime
Read the extract and answer
you think he's a nobody, what is the idea of bothering about him, please tell."
1. Who said this to whom?
2. Who is referred as "he" here?
3. When did the speaker say so?
Write a paragraph about Mr.Nath.


Answered by chakrabortybharati02


এপাদঞজঞটজঞফড়জঞবতফড়ঞতহ,যঝফ,ওতডঢ়ৌথডড়ৌথডভঝথডমৌথডঔথঝথোঠভখোতঠভঝতগভঝথগভৌলডভঞলগভঝরঢয়ঝযখবঝরখভঝথখঢঞথখভঝথঢ়ঠৌথভখোথখঢোথঝযডভঝথডভঝরঠবঝরখডঝথবখঝতভ ওতড়টজমবঠজযখঢঞদখঢঝযভগদৎআঢঝরডঞলখভধযাডঝযঢডাদযঢিদণদযঠভধযবখদযধযখধযধরখঢদযঢ়ডদযখভদযখভদযঢ়ঠদযঢ়দৎঢ়ঢ়ধধযডঢ়দৎভধযধযবঢ়ঞথভগঞথধরভখধথভডঝযমগঝরগভথমজযখভঝযঢাঞথডঢ়ঝগঝডয়ঝথ ডঝজযঠড়ঝযজমদযফজযঠঢ়জযফজযফজতবদথখঢ়দঠঢ়ঝথডঢ়জগভদডঢ়দদগভদতখভদথডঢ়দযবখ দর ডদধডদব দরব থডঢ়ব ডঝলদরধলডঢ়নলদরডঢ়ধলখভধলঠঢ়ধরঠভঝরটড়ধরঠভদঠভঝদযঠড়জরছযকবথযথযকবদরঠদদযবখদজথভখজরগভদৎম

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