write online learning experience on 100 words
class 8
in 100 words
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Finally, online classes fit my lifestyle, because I am not a traditional student. If given a choice I would take all of my classes through the Internet. Online classes have saved me money and time. Also, online classes allow me to work, to be a wife and mother, and it allows me to be a full time student.
SO here it is
My online learning experience has been different than what I’m used to. I love that I get to work from the comfort of my home; however, I would rather be in a physical classroom doing my work because it gives me the opportunity to ask questions when needed, and in my own opinion, it is much more effective than online learning. Compared to learning in a physical classroom online classes seem more difficult because you don’t get the hands-on learning like you do in a physical classroom. In the future, I’d choose a physical classroom over online any day. The reason being, it’s easier for me to understand the lesson plans and put my new knowledge into effect.