Write out speech on the topic "Education Nigerians next crude oi"
Crude oil prices fall by 77 paise per liter
There has been a historical decline in the price of crude oil due to the Corona hit. In the US, the price of crude oil is less than bottled water i.e. around 77 Pa liter In the international market, the price of American West Texas Intermediate crude oil fell almost to zero, but this does not mean that oil will start getting free in India.
Think of it like this, at the beginning of the year, crude oil was $ 67 per barrel, that is, Rs 30.08 per liter. At the same time, when the case of Corona started in India on March 12, the price of crude oil was $ 38 per barrel i.e. 17.79 Rupee per liter increased . At the same time, on April 1, the price of crude oil fell to $ 23 per barrel i.e. Rs 11 per liter.
Despite this, on April 1, the base price of petrol in Delhi was fixed at 27 rupees 96 paise. In this, excise duty of 22 rupees 98 paise was imposed. 3 rupees 55 paisa dealer's commission added And then VAT of 14 rupees 79 paise was also added. Now the price of one liter petrol has become 69 rupees 28 paise. This is the reason that even though crude oil becomes cheaper in the international market, the price of petrol is more.
Why did the historical decline
Actually, the oil contract has become negative in the month of May. This means that buyers are refusing to take oil. Buyers are saying that there is no need for oil now, take it later, keep it with you now. At the same time, the production has become so much that there is no more space to keep oil. This is all due to the corona epidemic.
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❣️F❣️O❣️L❣️L❣️O❣️W ❣️
Aloha !
It is a country in Africa continent. Mostly Africa continent is provided with many resources. Crude oil is also a part of resources. Most of the people used to depend on digging crude oil.
So their lives are dedicated to dig crude oil. Such this next generations may also depend on digging crude oil.
Thank you
@ Twilight Astro ✌️☺️