Write PL/SQL procedure / Function for following statements.
i. Create a procedure to greet a user with his name.
ii. Write Function to perform square of user defined number.
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ndiw now but it was great and I don't want this notification settings on the way they have to the next couple more posts the best thing is the best thing that is what you are well and the other
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A subprogram is a program unit/module that plays out a specific assignment.
These subprograms are joined to shape bigger projects.
This is fundamentally called the 'Particular structure'.
A subprogram can be conjured by another subprogram or program which is known as the calling program.
A subprogram made inside a bundle is a bundled subprogram. It is put away in the database and can be erased just when the bundle is erased with the DROP PACKAGE articulation.
We will talk about bundles in the part 'PL/SQL - Packages'.
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