Write problems faced by unorganized sector ?
1.They are not paid according to government rules. They are underpaid. 2.They are not given other facilities like holidays, medical facility, gratuity, etc.
In unorganised sectors, employee has less facilities than employees of
organised sector. Some of the problem faced by labourers in the unorganized sector are:
1) workers working in unorgansied sector get few wages.
2) There is no provision for over time, paid leave, holidays, leave due to sickness etc.
3) Employment is a subject to high degree of insecurity.
4) it is largely outside the control of government.
5) The child labor is the most exploited among the employees in an unorganised sector.
6) Lastly, the work in the unorgansied sector is not fixed, it depends on various factor so in search of the job the labourers have to move fromone place to another. The expensed spent on migration pose