Write project file on social issues and also show content accuracy, originally and analysis
issues like water supply street lighting drainage ect.
. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:
Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable Development
2. Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from an interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learned over the years in order to prepare the project report.
If required, students may go out for collecting data and use different primary and secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible, various forms of art may be integrated into the project work.
3. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:
S. No. Aspects Marks
A Content accuracy, originality and analysis 4
B Presentation and creativity 3
C Viva Voce 3
The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves and comprise of not more than 15 foolscap pages.
The format of the project should include a
• Cover page with the topic and student name & section,
• An index page,
• Acknowledgment page and
• The following pages should include information on the above-mentioned topics (Anyone topics). Apart from information, students should use images, diagrams or data in the project.
• The last two pages to be used for self-reflection
• Bibliography.