write scientific reason 1) Blood dialysis is done, when the efficiency of kidneys decrease.
What happens during hemodialysis?
During hemodialysis, your blood goes through a filter, called a dialyzer, outside your body. A dialyzer is sometimes called an “artificial kidney.”
At the start of a hemodialysis treatment, a dialysis nurse or technician places two needles into your arm. You may prefer to put in your own needles after you’re trained by your health care team. A numbing cream or spray can be used if placing the needles bothers you. Each needle is attached to a soft tube connected to the dialysis machine.
View full-sized imageDiagram of hemodialysis blood flow from your arm into the tube, past a pressure monitor, a blood pump, and a heparin pump, which prevents clotting. Blood flows past another pressure monitor before entering the dialyzer, or filter. Filtered blood continues past a venous pressure monitor, an air trap and air detector, and an air detector clamp, and returns to your arm.
During hemodialysis, your blood is pumped through a filter, called a dialyzer.
The dialysis machine pumps blood through the filter and returns the blood to your body. During the process, the dialysis machine checks your blood pressure and controls how quickly
blood flows through the filter
fluid is removed from your body