write Short-cut key
control+ v: paste
control+ c: copy
control+ x:cut
short cut keys of computer
CTRL + A: Select all.
CTRL + C: Copy.
CTRL + X: Cut.
CTRL + S: Save.
F12: Save As.
CTRL + Z: Undo
CTRL + Y: Redo
CTRL + B: Bold
Bolds selected text, or un-bolds text that is already bold.
CTRL + I: Italics
Italicizes selected text, or removes italics from italicized text.
CTRL + U: Underline
Underline, or removes underline from, selected text.
CTRL + L: Left-justify
Left-aligns selected text or images, or whatever paragraph your cursor is currently on.
CTRL + E: Center-justify
Centers selected text or images, or whatever paragraph your cursor is currently on.
CTRL + R: Right-justify
Right-aligns selected text or images, or whatever paragraph your cursor is currently on.
CTRL + J: Justify
Distributes selected text and images evenly between the margins, giving your document crisp, clean edges.
CTRL + N: New
Opens a new document. Also opens a new web page.
CTRL + ALT + C: ©
Inserts a copyright symbol.
CTRL + ALT + T: ™
Inserts a trademark symbol.
CTRL + ALT + R: ®
Inserts a registered trademark symbol.
CTRL + ALT + E: €
Inserts a euro symbol.
CTRL + ALT + H: Highlight
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