English, asked by kunaljain9651, 1 year ago

Write short note about how is stereotyping harmful


Answered by iamred2611

In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people.[1] Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category.[2] While such generalizations may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to particular individuals.[3] Stereotypes encourage prejudice[3] and may arise for a number of reasons.

Answered by Anonymous
A “stereotype” is a cognitive shortcut — that is, it allows your brain to make a snap judgment based on immediately visible characteristics such as gender, race, or age. Your brain is hardwired to make quick calls, and that’s ok. The problem comes when we start to apply those stereotypes beyond that immediate impulse. That’s called “bias,” which is basically a belief that a stereotype is true. For example, the stereotype that girls are bad at math can lead to the suggestion that some innate difference between women and men leads to this discrepancy.
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