write Short note on asexual spores in fungi
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Asexual reproduction in fungi occurs through the formation of spores. Single celled propagules which separate from parent organism and can get dispersed.
Some spores are produced after meiosis and are called sexually produced spores or meiospores. Other spores are called asexually produced spores or mitospores.
Different types of spores produced by fungi are −
Zoospores − Motile spores with the presence of flagella which help them swim in aquatic habitat for proper dispersal.
Sporangiospores − Nonflagellated spores that develop inside sporangia. They dispersed by air currents so produced in large numbers.
Chlamydospore − Thick walled spores develop along the hyphae by accumulation of protoplasm and secretion of thick wall.
Oidia − Formed under condition of excess water, sugar and certain salts. Oidia are individual cells separated from hyphae.
Conidia − Nonmotile exogenous spores develop at the tip or sides of special hyphae called conidiophores.
Ascospores − Nonmotile meiospore produced inside special sacs called asci.
Basidiospores − Nonmotile meiospores formed exogenously on short outgrowths of club shaped structures called basidium.
Asexual spores are genetically identical to the parent and may be released either outside or within a special reproductive sac called a sporangium. Adverse environmental conditions often cause sexual reproduction in fungi. Mycelium can either be homothallic or heterothallic when reproducing sexually.