write short note on carbon.and valency ,atomic number , allotropes.
Hello friend
Good morning
carbon- The chemical element of atomic number 6, a non metal which has two main form (diamond and graphite) and which also occur in impure form in charcoal, soot, and coal.
Valency- The combining power of an element , especially as measured why the number of hydrogen atoms it can it can displace or combine with ." carbon always has valency of 4 "
hi mate your answer
1) carbon is an element having valenvy 4
2)carbon situated in 2nd period of modern periodic table
3)carbon situation in 14th group of modern periodic table
4)carbon has atomic number 6
5)carbon is Nonmetalic element and shows tetravalent property
6) there are mainly two types of allotropes of carbon, that are
i) crystalline allotrop of carbon
ii) non-crysrelline or amorphous allotrop of carbon
7) dimond, graphite fullerene are the forms of carbon in crystalline allotrop of carbon
8) coal, coke are the amorphous allotrop of carbon
hope that it will you