Write short note on chlorination of methane
The reaction is between methane and chlorine in the presence of ultraviolet light - typically sunlight.
The organic product is chloromethane. One of the hydrogen atoms in the methane has been replaced by a chlorine atom, so this is a substitution reaction.
The Mechanism
The mechanism involves a chain reaction.
During a chain reaction, for every reactive species you start off with, a new one is generated at the end - and this keeps the process going. The over-all process is known as free radical substitution, or as a free radical chain reaction.
Chain initiation: The chain is initiated (started) by UV light breaking a chlorine molecule into free radicals.
Cl2 →→ 2Cl
Chain propagation reactions : These are the reactions which keep the chain going.
CH4 + Cl→→CH3 + HCl
CH3 + Cl2→→CH3Cl + Cl
Chain termination reactions: These are reactions which remove free radicals from the system without replacing them by new ones.
CH3 + Cl →→ CH3C l
CH3 + CH3→→CH3CH3