Biology, asked by brinda2705, 1 year ago

Write short note on intestinal juices and its functions for 0


Answered by keshav9336


intestinal juice is also known as succus entricus which is alkaline in nature having pH which range between 7.4-7.8 main constituent of this juice is water mucus and HCo3-. it contains enzyme such as sucrase, lactase,maltase,lipase,enterokinase,ami-nopeptidase,nucleosidase.

Answered by shubhamk125

Colipase is necessary, along with bile salts, to enable lipase function. Intestinal juicealso contains hormones, digestive enzymes, mucus, substances to neutralize hydrochloric acid coming from the stomachand erepsin which further digests polypeptides into amino acids, completing protein digestion.

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