write short note on iron and steel industry in Pittsburgh and cotton textile industry in Osaka
iron industry is a feeder industry which provides raw materials to various other industries.
Inputs of iron industry: iron ore, coal, limestone, labour, capital, site and other infrastructure.
Processes: The process involves conversion of iron ore into steel. It is done in many stages. First of all, the raw material is put in a blast furnace for smelting. Iron is refined after smelting and made into steel. For making 1 tonne of steel, 4 tonne of iron ore is mixed with 1 tonne of limestone and 8 tonne of coal is used as fuel.
Steel is also called the backbone of modern industry. Almost everything used by us is either made up of steel or is made by machines which are made up of steel. Various items; right from an awl pin to a huge ship are made of steel.
The textile industry developed in Osaka due to several geographical factors. (ii)The extensive plain around Osaka ensured that land was easily available for the growth of cotton mills. Warm humid climate is well suited to spinning and weaving. The river Yodo provides sufficient water for the mills.
Pittsburgh is the capital on the production of iron and steel worldwide and it is situated in United States of America so its is called as "Iron City". Explanation: Pittsburgh District alone is responsible for the production of one-fourth of the steel which is demanded by the entire nation