Write short note on the power sharing in j&k legislative councial according to the constitution of j&k?
In the constitution of J&k we find the provisions dealing with the power sharing in view of nature of state J&k being composed of three distinct geographical regions with internal social diversity. article 50 of the state constitution says that the Legislative Council shall consist of 36 members.out of these 11 have to be necessary from Kashmir including one each from Ladakh and kargil. similarly 11 also be elected from Jammu region with one each from doda and punch.two members are elected by the member of urban local self body. 4 members are elected from the member of panchayats and other local cell bodies two each in the province of Jammu and Kashmir 8 members are nominated by the Governor amongest persons belonging socially and educationally backward classes in the state or person having contributited in the field of literature science art etc