Write short notes on
1) Industrial pollution –
Industrial pollution is the pollution which can be directly linked with industry. This form of pollution is one of the leading causes of pollution worldwide. ... Industrial pollution can also impact air quality, and it can enter the soil, causing widespread environmental problems.
Pollutants from industries cause air, water and soil pollution. Class of industrial waste depends on the type of industry. Mostly, wastes come from industrial effluents. These contain organic substances, inorganic salts, solids, fertilizers etc. These are released in the form of heat, bacteria and pathogens. The places where rubber industries are situated releases chloride laden soluble wastes in environment.
Steel industries situated at Bhiwadi and other places release acid, phenol, cyanogen, limestone, oily substances, cyanide etc., in the form pollutants. Acids, alkali, resins and Petri-oils are released by Oil Refineries in the form of pollutants. The industries release various toxic substances like phenol acid and base in the form of pollutants. Pollutants like ammonium fluoride, potassium nitrate etc, are related from fertilizers industries
Pollutants from industries cause air, water and soil pollution. Class of industrial waste depends on the type of industry. Mostly, wastes come from industrial effluents. These contain organic substances, inorganic salts, solids, fertilizers etc. These are released in the form of heat, bacteria and pathogens. The places where rubber industries are situated releases chloride laden soluble wastes in environment.
Pollutants from industries cause air, water and soil pollution. Class of industrial waste depends on the type of industry. Mostly, wastes come from industrial effluents. These contain organic substances, inorganic salts, solids, fertilizers etc. These are released in the form of heat, bacteria and pathogens. The places where rubber industries are situated releases chloride laden soluble wastes in environment.Steel industries situated at Bhiwadi and other places release acid, phenol, cyanogen, limestone, oily substances, cyanide etc., in the form pollutants. Acids, alkali, resins and Petri-oils are released by Oil Refineries in the form of pollutants. The industries release various toxic substances like phenol acid and base in the form of pollutants. Pollutants like ammonium fluoride, potassium nitrate etc, are related from fertilizers industries